- hic jacet
- hic jacet
лат. (хик яцэт)
здесь покоится (начало надгробных надписей).Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык, 1998.
Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык, 1998.
hic jacet — [ ikʒasɛt] loc. ÉTYM. 1873; mots lat. signifiant « ici (hic) est étendu »; de jacere. → Gésir. ❖ ♦ Formule qui se place souvent en tête d une épitaphe. ☑ Loc. lat. Hic jacet lepus « c est là que gît le lièvre », locution par laquelle on signale… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hic jacet — Latin, here lies, commonly the first words of Latin epitaphs … Etymology dictionary
hic jacet — [hik′ jā′sət] n. [L] 1. here lies: a tombstone inscription 2. an epitaph … English World dictionary
hic jacet* — hic ja•cet [[t]ˈhik ˈyɑ kɛt[/t]] eng. [[t]ˈhɪk ˈdʒeɪ sɛt[/t]] Latin. fot here lies (often used to begin epitaphs on tombstones) … From formal English to slang
hic jacet — here lies ; epitaph. ♦ hic sepultus, here is buried … Dictionary of difficult words
hic jacet — I. noun Etymology: Latin, literally, here lies Date: 1654 epitaph II. foreign term Etymology: Latin here lies used preceding a name on a tombstone … New Collegiate Dictionary
hic jacet — /heek yah ket/; Eng. /hik jay set/, Latin. here lies (often used to begin epitaphs on tombstones). * * * … Universalium
hic jacet — [hɪk dʒeɪsɛt, jakɛt] noun literary an epitaph. Origin L., here lies , the first words of a Latin epitaph … English new terms dictionary
hic jacet — n. an epitaph. Etymology: L, = here lies … Useful english dictionary
Hic et nunc — Liste des locutions latines Voir « Locutions latines … Wikipédia en Français