- 鸿门宴
- hóng mén yàn
Хунмэньский пир (обр. "пир со злым умыслом")
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Хунмэньское празднество — традиционный китайский: 鴻門宴 упрощённый китайский: 鸿门宴 Транслитерация … Википедия
Feast at Hong Gate — The Feast at Hong Gate (zh tsp|t=鴻門宴|s=鸿门宴|p=Hóngményàn) was a historical event (206 BC or 205 BC it happened around the new year) later often memorialized in Chinese history, novels, and drama, including in Beijing opera.The feast came about due … Wikipedia
Lu Chuan — This is a Chinese name; the family name is Lu. Lu Chuan Chinese name 陸川 (Traditional) Chinese name 陆川 … Wikipedia