- 英烈千秋
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yīng liè qiān qiū形容人英勇壮烈的绩业流传万世。
如:「台湾抗日志士为保卫乡土而牺牲, 英烈千秋, 永传后世。 」
Наука. 2013.
如:「台湾抗日志士为保卫乡土而牺牲, 英烈千秋, 永传后世。 」
Наука. 2013.
List of World War II films — Below is an incomplete list of fictional feature films or mini series which feature events of World War II in the narrative. A separate list of full fledged TV series appears at the end. Contents 1 Restrictions 2 Films made during the war … Wikipedia