
xiǎo sān tōng
指金门、马祖与澎湖三个离岛地区与大陆地区的直接往来, 包括航运、人员、货品、金融、邮政等。 其目的为促进金马地区之建设与发展, 协助金马地区的繁荣, 并加强双方的正常连系, 促进两地人民的福祉等。 政府于民国九十年一月一日起在金门、马祖地区试办「小三通」。

Наука. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "小三通" в других словарях:

  • Three Links — The Three Links or Three Linkages (Chinese: 三通; Pinyin: sān tōng) was a message of Compatriots in Taiwan calling for the unification of mainland China and Taiwan. It was sent by the PRC National People s Congress in 1979.[1] The three links… …   Wikipedia

  • Beigan, Lienchiang — Beigan Township, part of the northern Matsu Islands, is officially administrated as Lienchiang County by the Republic of China (Taiwan). Matsu Beigan Airport set here as gateway between the Taiwan Island and the Matsu Islands. *Due to political… …   Wikipedia

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