- 摩崖石刻
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mó yái shí kē雕刻在山壁上的文字、图像等。 古人通常在风景名胜处的悬崖山壁上, 刻下经书或功名事迹, 留传后世。 后因字迹优美, 遂成为供人观赏的艺术品。 如泰山摩崖金刚经。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Cliff inscriptions — (Chinese: 摩崖石刻; pinyin: mó yá shíkè; literally rub cliff stone inscription ) are inscriptions on mountainsides of Chinese characters, often done by famous people on special occasions or as decorations. They are of tremendous historic importance… … Wikipedia