- 高力士
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人名。 (西元684~762) 唐代的宦官。 个性谨慎细心而聪敏, 深受玄宗宠信, 累官至骠骑大将军、 进开府仪同三司, 擅权弄政。 肃宗时, 被弹劾流放至巫州, 宝应时被赦还, 病死途中。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Gao Lishi — (zh tp|t=高力士|p=Gāo Lìshì) (684 762), formally the Duke of Qi (齊公), was a eunuch official of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty and Wu Zetian s Zhou Dynasty, becoming particularly powerful during Emperor Xuanzong of Tang s reign. He is believed to… … Wikipedia