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植物名。 苏木科铁刀木属, 落叶乔木。 树木高大, 树姿优美, 叶小, 呈羽状复叶。 夏初开花, 色泽黄亮, 结圆筒状荚果, 暗褐色, 内有红褐色种子, 可食。 原产于喜马拉雅山东部、 中部, 以至锡兰。 多用来作观赏植物或行道树。 亦称为“波斯皂荚”。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Golden Shower Tree — Cassia fistula redirects here. This taxon can also refer to other species; see below.: Canafistula redirects here. This can also refer to Maloxo ( Albizia inundata ).Taxobox name = Golden Shower Tree image width = 270px image caption = Golden… … Wikipedia
Cassia fistula — Canafistula redirects here. This can also refer to Albizia inundata (Maloxo). Cassia fistula Golden shower tree in bloom Conservation status Not … Wikipedia