- 谢晋元
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人名。 (西元1905~1941) 广东蕉岭人, 字中民, 黄埔军官学校毕业。 抗战期间, 上海闸北四行仓库之役, 以四百余人坚守据点, 掩护大军退却, 英勇非常。 后奉令撤退, 留驻公共租界, 晋升团长, 不久被四名受敌诱骗的士兵行刺而殉国。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Xie Jinyuan — Infobox Military Person name=Xie Jinyuan 謝晉元/谢晋元 caption=Xie and 4 of his subordinates, photographed while imprisoned in the Shanghai International Settlements rank=Colonel commands=5th Regiment, 2nd Division 524th Regiment, 88th Division unit=… … Wikipedia
Second Sino-Japanese War — Part of the Pacific War of World War II (from 1941) … Wikipedia
Hakka — Infobox Ethnic group group=Hakka 客家 Hak kâ caption = Clockwise from top left: Lee Kuan Yew, Wen Tianxiang, Thaksin Shinawatra, Fann Wong, Yap Ah Loy, Eric Tsang poptime=estimated 30 45 million worldwide popplace=Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi,… … Wikipedia