- 艾儒略
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人名。 (西元1582~1649) 义大利天主教耶稣会会士。 明时 (西元1610) 至澳门, 三年后进入中国内地。 留居中国三十多年, 着中国服装, 循中国礼度, 于福建省兴建教堂多处。 着有职方外纪、 西学发凡等书。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Giulio Alenio — (often spelled Giulio Aleni; Chinese: 艾儒略; 1582 June 10, 1649) was an Italian Jesuit missionary and scholar. He was born at Brescia, in Italy, and died at Yanping, China. He became a member of the Society of Jesus in 1600, and was distinguished… … Wikipedia