- 皖系军阀
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北洋军阀派系之一。 以皖(安徽)人段祺瑞为首, 1916年袁世凯死后, 掌握北京反动政权, 充当日本帝国主义侵略中国的工具。 1920年被直系军阀打败后势力逐渐消灭。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Anhui clique — The Anhui clique (Chinese: 皖系军阀; pinyin: Wǎn Xì Jūn Fá) was one of several mutually hostile cliques or factions that split from the Beiyang Clique in the Republic of China s Warlord era. It was named after Anhui province because several of its… … Wikipedia