- 天安门事件
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1976年4月5日, 北京广大群众汇集天安门广场, 用花圈、诗词、誓言来悼念周恩来, 声讨‘四人帮’, 保卫社会主义和无产阶级专政。 这一事件被‘四人帮’诬指为反革命事件, 并遭到血腥镇压。 1978年12月, 党的第十一届三中全会为天安门事件彻底平反, 指出天安门事件是革命行动。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
List of words censored by search engines in the People's Republic of China — The government of the People s Republic of China has set up a system of internet censorship, intending to block internet users within Mainland China from accessing material deemed undesirable, such as foreign news sites, sites with dissident… … Wikipedia