- 伏羲氏
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神话中人类的始祖。 传说人类由他和女娲氏兄妹相婚而产生。 又传他教民结网, 从事渔猎畜牧。 反映中国原始时代开始渔猎畜牧的情况。 传说八卦也出于他的制作。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors — The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors (Zh cpw|c=三皇五帝|p=Sānhuáng wǔdì|w=San huang wu ti) were mythological rulers of China during the period from c. 2852 BCE to 2205 BCE, which is the time preceding the Xia Dynasty. The actual translation of 帝 dì … Wikipedia
Hueso oracular — de la dinastía Shang en el Museo de Shanghái. Los huesos oraculares (chino: 甲骨; pinyin: jiǎgǔpiàn … Wikipedia Español
圖 — 【도】 그림; 그리다; 꾀하다; 헤아리다; 다스리다; 河圖 (伏羲氏 때 黃河에서 나왔다는 8괘의 그림) (에울위) + (인색할비) 큰입구몸부 11획 (총14획) [1] [n] diagram; chart; map; picture; portrait [2] [v] seek; pursue [3] [v] plan; scheme; conspire [4] intention; aim; purpose ヅ·ト·え·はかる 各自圖生 (각자도생) 제각기 살아갈 … Hanja (Korean Hanzi) dictionary