
常用中成药。 有清热泻火, 通利大、小便的功能。 主治小儿口疮, 烦躁不安, 大便干结, 小便黄赤。

Наука. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "导赤丸" в других словарях:

  • Chinese classic herbal formula — Chinese classic herbal formulas (Chinese: 经方) are a form of Chinese herbology, where herbs are combined for greater efficiency, compared to individual herbs. They are the basic herbal formulas that students of Traditional Chinese medicine learn.… …   Wikipedia

  • Daochi Wan — (simplified Chinese: 导赤丸; traditional Chinese: 導赤丸) is a blackish brown honeyed pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to remove heat, quench fire, relieve dysuria and to relax bowels. It is used in cases where there are ulcers in the mouth or …   Wikipedia

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