- 青囊书
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1) 《晋书‧郭璞传》:“有郭公者, 客居河东, 精於卜筮, 璞从之受业。 公以青囊中书九卷与之, 由是遂洞五行、天文、卜筮之术……璞门人赵载尝窃青囊书, 未及读, 而为火所焚。 ”后因以“青囊书”指道家典籍。2) 指医书、医术。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Lost work — A lost work is a document or literary work produced some time in the past of which no surviving copies are known to exist. Works may be lost to history either through the destruction of the original manuscript, or through the non survival of any… … Wikipedia