- 长相思
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1) 指丝棉。2) 乐府《杂曲歌辞》名。 内容多写男女或友朋久别思念之情, 故名。3) 唐教坊曲名, 后用为词牌名。 因南朝梁陈乐府《长相思》而得名。 又名《双红豆》、《忆多娇》等。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Onara (song) — Onara ( ko. 오나라) is the theme song to the popular Korean television drama series Dae Jang Geum (2003). Im Se hyeon (임세현 / 林世賢) composed the song in archaic Korean, and the lyrics are unintelligible to most Koreans today.The song is in the pansori … Wikipedia