

Наука. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "西陵峡" в других словарях:

  • Yichang — Infobox Settlement name =Yichang official name = other name = native name = nickname = settlement type =Prefecture level city total type = motto = translit lang1=Chinese translit lang1 type=Chinese translit lang1 info=宜昌 translit lang1… …   Wikipedia

  • Zigui County — ( zh. 姊归县) is a county in Yichang, in the central China province of Hubei. It encompasses the easternmost portion of the Yangtze River Gorges, including the Xiling Gorge (西陵峡).The county seat of Zigui is now the town of Maoping, a few kilometers… …   Wikipedia

  • Xiling Gorge — (Chinese: 西陵峡; Pinyin: Xīlíng Xiá) is a gorge on the Yangtze River in China. It stretches from Xiang Xi to Yi Chang and is the largest and furthest downstream of the Three Gorges (三峽). It is named after Mt. Xiling.The Xiling Gorge, around half… …   Wikipedia

  • Zigui — In Hafen Maopings Zigui (chinesisch 秭归县) ist ein Kreis der bezirksfreien chinesischen Stadt Yichang in der Provinz Hubei. Er liegt am östlichen Ende der Xiling Schlucht (西陵峡). Die Anlegestelle von Zigui (姊归港) ist ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • — (峽) xiá (1)  ㄒㄧㄚˊ (2) 两山夹着的水道: 三门~(中国黄河中游峡谷之一)。 三~(中国长江流经四川到湖北的交界一带所经过的三个峡谷, 其中有 瞿塘峡 、 巫峡 、 西陵峡 )。 海~(两旁有陆地夹着的形状狭长的海, 如 台湾~~ )。 (3) 指两山之间: ~谷(狭而深的谷地)。 (4) 郑码: LLBU, U: 5CE1, GBK: CFBF (5) 笔画数: 9, 部首: 山, 笔顺编号: 252143134 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

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