- 杨家将
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文艺作品中塑造的北宋杨业、佘太君、杨延昭、杨宗保、穆桂英等祖孙数代男女英雄艺术群像。 据《宋史‧杨业传》, 杨家一门忠勇, 父、子、孙相继守边, 抗辽保宋, 尤以业、延昭、文广功勋卓着, 受广大人民崇敬。 后人据史演义, 在戏曲、小说中逐渐丰富其形象, 美称为“杨家将”。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Yangjia Jiang — ( zh. 杨家将; lit. Generals of the Yang Clan) is a series of novels and plays which detail the exploits of the Yang military family over four generations of peace and turmoil during the Song Dynasty. Set during the later years of the Northern Song… … Wikipedia