- 媚川都
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五代南汉刘鋹据岭南, 於海门镇置兵八千人, 专以采珠为事, 号为“媚川都”。 至宋开宝五年诏罢置。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Tolo Harbour — (zh t|t=吐露港), or Tai Po Hoi (大埔海, historically 大步海) is a sheltered harbour in northeast New Territories (新界) of Hong Kong.Tide Cove is to the south of the harbour, and Plover Cove (船灣海), Three Fathoms Cove (企嶺下海) and Tolo Channel (赤門海峽) is to its … Wikipedia