
东汉末有老子入夷狄为浮屠的传说, 至《老子化胡经》、《西升经》等道经, 益增附会, 证成其说, 谓老子西游化胡成佛, 并以佛为其弟子, 自号为“古先生”。 后世因以“古先生”借称佛及佛像。

Наука. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "古先生" в других словарях:

  • Xishengjing — The Xishengjing (zh cpwl|c=西昇經|p= Xīshēngjīng|w= Hsi Sheng Ching |l=Scripture of Western Ascension) is a late 5th century CE Daoist text with provenance at the Louguan 樓觀 Tiered Abbey of the The Northern Celestial Masters. According to Daoist… …   Wikipedia

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