- 十年内战
- shínián nèizhàn
1927~1937年间, 蒋中正领导的南京国民政府为统一全国而进行的北伐战争, 称为“北伐战争”, 即“十年内战”。 北伐战争包括收服北洋军阀残余势力的战争, 讨伐国民党内部各派系军事集团的历次战争和围剿中共领导的工农红军和红色革命根据地的历次战争。 因后者是中共领导的工农红军和红色革命根据地人民反抗蒋中正政府的革命战争, 所以又称为第二次国内革命战争或土地革命战争。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Chinese Civil War — People s Liberation Army attacking government defensive positions in Shangtang Date Encirclement Campaigns; … Wikipedia
History of the People's Liberation Army — Military history of the People s Republic of China redirects here. The history of the People s Liberation Army began in 1927 with the start of the Chinese Civil War and spans to the present, having developed from a peasant guerrilla force into… … Wikipedia