- 五丈原
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古地名。 在今陕西省岐山县南, 斜谷口西侧, 渭水南岸。 相传蜀汉诸葛亮六出祁山曾在此驻军。 公元234年诸葛亮伐魏, 出斜谷, 驻军屯田, 相持百余日后, 病卒於此。
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Wuzhang Plains — The Wuzhang Plains (五丈原) are plateaus near the Wei River in China. They are now in the Shaanxi province, 56 kilometres from Baoji. The name Wuzhang means five zhang , where zhang (丈) is a Chinese unit of measurement which converts to 3⅓ metre. In … Wikipedia