- 水煮肉片
- shuǐ zhǔ ròupiàn
кусочки отварной свинины в остром соусе по-сычуаньски
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
Shuizhu — (zh cp|c=水煮肉片|p=shǔizhǔròupiàn) is a Chinese dish that recently became popular in China as well as other countries. It is originated in Sichuan and the name literally means water boiled meat slices . The preparation of this dish usually involves… … Wikipedia
Shuizhu — Un plato de shuizhu hecho con filete de pescado blanco. El shuizhu (chino: 水煮肉片, pinyin: shǔizhǔròupiàn, literalmente «lonchas de carne hervidas en agua») es un plato chino originario de Sichuan que en fechas recientes se ha… … Wikipedia Español