
qínglǚ shān
or 情侣装 qínglǚ zhuāng Matching couple outfits. Literally “lovers’ shirts” or “couples’ outfits.” Also 对衫 duì shān (dway shahn), literally “matching shirts.” There is an inexplicable trend in China (and also South Korea) of couples wearing matching shirts. One (of many) of these T-shirt sets has an arrow pointing toward the girl, and the words, “Falling in love, she is my girlfriend.” The girl of course wears a shirt with an arrow pointing to the man, which says, “Falling in love, he is my boyfriend.” Moreover, these couples somehow manage to stay on the correct side of each other, always, while walking, sitting, shopping, and eating, so that the arrows are always pointing at each other.

Наука. 2013.

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