
поворотный пункт

Наука. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Нужно решить контрольную?

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  • SPH MediaWorks Channel U — ( zh sp |s=优频道 |p=yōu píndào) was a Chinese language television channel in Singapore which began broadcasts in 6 May2001. As a result of the media merger with MediaCorp, the channel is now run by MediaCorp from 1 January 2005 under the same… …   Wikipedia

  • Michelle Chong — (庄米雪) Born Michelle Chong 22 April 1977 (1977 04 22) (age 34) Singapore Weight 48k …   Wikipedia

  • SPH MediaWorks — Ltd (zh sp |s=报业传讯 |p=bào yè chuán xùn) was the ephemeral free to air terrestrial television broadcaster in Singapore. SPH MediaWorks brought 2 alternative free to air terrestrial television channels to the audience in Singapore, in 2001. As of 1 …   Wikipedia

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