
(санскр. Arhan) будд. архат, лохань (по концепции Хинаяны буддист, достигший высшего совершенства и свободный от дальнейших перевоплощений)

Наука. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "阿羅漢" в других словарях:

  • 아라한 — 阿羅漢 …   Hanja (Korean Hanzi) dictionary

  • Arhat — In the sramanic traditions of ancient India (most notably those of Mahavira and Gautama Buddha) arhat (Sanskrit) or arahant (Pali) signified a spiritual practitioner who had to use an expression common in the tipitaka laid down the burden and… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Ultimate Muscle characters — The following is a list of characters who appear in Yudetamago s manga and anime series Ultimate Muscle/Kinnikuman Nisei. Contents 1 Prologue of a Legend Hercules Factory Arc 2 Legends (Original Muscle League) 3 dMp Arc …   Wikipedia

  • Buddha's delight — Buddha s delight, often transliterated as Luóhàn zhāi , lo han jai , or lo hon jai , is a vegetarian dish well known in Chinese cuisine. It is sometimes also called Luóhàn cài (zh st|s=|t=). The dish is traditionally enjoyed by Buddhist monks who …   Wikipedia

  • Zhenren — (zh cpwl|c=真人|p=zhēnrén|w=chen jen|l=true person) is a Chinese term that first appeared in the Zhuangzi meaning Daoist spiritual master , roughly translatable as Perfected Person . Religious Daoism mythologized zhenren to rank above xian… …   Wikipedia

  • Quatre êtres nobles — Les quatre êtres nobles (sanskrit : caturāryapudgala, en chinois : shāmén sìguǒ 沙门四果, les quatre fruits des śrārvakas) est un terme bouddhique du courant theravāda désignant les quatre catégories des pratiquants ayant atteint des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Vocabulaire et concepts du bouddhisme — La plus grande partie du vocabulaire et des concepts du bouddhisme est difficilement traduisible en français, sans perdre le sens et la portée des termes originaux. Cet article liste quelques concepts bouddhiques parmi les plus importants, une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Glossary of Buddhism — Several Buddhist terms and concepts lack direct translations into English that cover the breadth of the original term. Below are given a number of important Buddhist terms, short definitions, and the languages in which they appear. In this list,… …   Wikipedia

  • Delicias de Buda — Chino tradicional 羅漢齋 o 齋 Chino simplifica …   Wikipedia Español

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