- 打擂台
- dǎlèitái
1) выступать на турнире; состязаться2) меряться силами
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
New York Asian Film Festival — The poster for the 2006 New York Asian Film Festival. The New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF) was first held in 2002, growing out of the previous year s New York Korean Film Festival (which had, in turn, grown out of two year s of presenting… … Wikipedia
Lei tai — The Lèi tái (Traditional: 擂臺 Simplified: 擂台 – “Beat (a drum) Platform”) is a raised fighting platform, without railings, where often fatal weapons and bare knuckle martial arts tournaments were once held. Sanctioned matches were presided over by… … Wikipedia