- № 04744
вм. 劃
Наука. 2013.
Наука. 2013.
04744 — Fort Kent Mills, Me (Miscellaneous » ZIP Codes) … Abbreviations dictionary
Nesse (Loxstedt) — Nesse Gemeinde Loxstedt Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Каленовци — Село Каленовци Каленовци Страна БолгарияБолгария … Википедия
Калимуллино — Деревня Калимуллино башк. Кәлимулла Страна РоссияРоссия … Википедия
Fort Kent, Maine — Infobox Settlement official name = Fort Kent, Maine settlement type = Town nickname = motto = The Little Town That Could (stemming from a local during the 2004 Biathlon World Cup) imagesize = 197x147px image caption = Downtown Fort Kent image… … Wikipedia
Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party — The Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party (VUPP) was a unionist political party which existed in Northern Ireland between 1973 and 1978. It was closely affiliated with several loyalist paramilitary groups.OriginsIt had its roots in the Vanguard or… … Wikipedia
Area codes in Germany — see also Telephone numbering in Germany for further codes including service numbers, cell phones etc. Area codes in Germany (German Vorwahl ) have two to five digits, not counting the leading zero. The leading zero must be dialed when calling… … Wikipedia
Loxstedt — Infobox German Location Art = Gemeinde Name = Loxstedt Wappen = Wappen Loxstedt.png lat deg = 53 |lat min = 28 lon deg = 08 |lon min = 39 Lageplan = Bundesland = Niedersachsen Landkreis = Cuxhaven Höhe = 1 Fläche = 156.54 Einwohner = 16261 Stand … Wikipedia
Hillsborough Army Airfield — Infobox Military Structure name=Hillsborough Army Airfield partof = Army Air Force Training Command location=Located near Tampa, Florida coordinates=Coord|28|02|50|N|082|25|06|W|type:airport caption=15 January 1948 photo type=Army Airfield code=… … Wikipedia
Bombenattentat — Unter Terrorismus (lat. terror „Furcht“, „Schrecken“) sind Gewalt und Gewaltaktionen (wie z. B.: Entführungen, Attentate, Sprengstoffanschläge etc.) gegen eine politische Ordnung zu verstehen, um einen politischen Wandel herbeizuführen. Der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Buddhismus in Zentralasien — Der Buddhismus in Zentralasien hatte in seiner Blütezeit, im ersten christlichen Jahrtausend, eine wichtige Mittlerstellung zwischen den indischen Staaten und der Entwicklung in China, besonders nach dem Fall der späteren Han Dynastie (220). Am… … Deutsch Wikipedia