
  • простой (судна, вагона), задержка отправления (судна, вагона)
  • демерредж, плата за задержку (судна, вагона)
  • заявление протеста, опротестовывание
  • Словарь бизнес-терминов. . 2001.

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    Смотреть что такое "Demurrage" в других словарях:

    • demurrage — noun compensation for delay, payment for delay, penalty for delay, remittance for delay Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 demurrage a sum of da …   Law dictionary

    • Demurrage — De*mur rage, n. [Cf. OF. demorage delay. See {Demur}.] (Law) (a) The detention of a vessel by the freighter beyond the time allowed in her charter party for loading, unloading, or sailing. (b) The allowance made to the master or owner of the ship …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Demurrage — bezeichnet: eine Liegegebühr für Schiffe, siehe Demurrage (Seefahrt) eine Verfallsgebühr auf Geld, siehe umlaufgesichertes Geld Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichne …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • demurrage — de‧mur‧rage [dɪˈmʌrɪdʒ ǁ ˈmɜː , ˈmʌ ] noun [uncountable] TRANSPORT 1. when a ship is kept by someone who has chartered it for longer than the time agreed or allowed 2. money which someone who has chartered a ship pays to its owner if the ship… …   Financial and business terms

    • demurrage — 1640s, from O.Fr. demorage, from demorer (see DEMUR (Cf. demur)) …   Etymology dictionary

    • demurrage — [di mʉr′ij] n. [OFr demorage, a delay < demorer: see DEMUR] 1. the compensation payable to a carrier of freight whose vehicle or vessel is delayed, as by failure to load or unload the freight within the time allowed 2. the delay itself …   English World dictionary

    • Demurrage — For the carrying cost of currency, see Demurrage (currency). The term demurrage originated in vessel chartering (notably voyage chartering) and refers to the period when the charterer remains in possession of the vessel after the period normally… …   Wikipedia

    • demurrage — 1) Liquidated damages payable under a charterparty (see chartering), at a specified daily rate for any days (demurrage days) required for completing the loading or discharging of cargo after the lay days have expired. 2) Unliquidated damages to… …   Big dictionary of business and management

    • demurrage — /damaraj/ In maritime law, the sum which is fixed by the contract of carriage, or which is allowed, as remuneration to the owner of a ship for the detention of his vessel beyond the number of days allowed by the charter party for loading and… …   Black's law dictionary

    • demurrage — /damaraj/ In maritime law, the sum which is fixed by the contract of carriage, or which is allowed, as remuneration to the owner of a ship for the detention of his vessel beyond the number of days allowed by the charter party for loading and… …   Black's law dictionary

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