- discharge of drainage
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Drainage system (agriculture) — An agricultural drainage system is a system by which the water level on or in the soil is controlled to enhance agricultural crop production. Contents 1 Classification 1.1 Surface drainage systems 1.2 Subsurface drainage systems … Wikipedia
Drainage system (Agriculture) — An agricultural drainage system is a system by which the water level on or in the soil is controlled to enhance agricultural crop production.=Classification=Figure 1 classifies the various types of drainage systems. It shows the field (or… … Wikipedia
Drainage equation — A drainage equation is an equation describing the relation between depth and spacing of parallel subsurface drains, depth of the watertable, depth and hydraulic conductivity of the soils. It is used in drainage design. Parameters in Hooghoudt s… … Wikipedia
Drainage basin — Example of a drainage basin. The dashed line is the main water divide of the hydrographic basin A drainage basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point, usually the exit… … Wikipedia
Discharge (hydrology) — In hydrology, discharge is the volume rate of water flow, including any suspended solids (i.e. sediment), dissolved chemical species (i.e. CaCO3(aq)) and/or biologic material (i.e. diatoms), which is transported through a given cross sectional… … Wikipedia
drainage basin — the area drained by a river and all its tributaries. Also called catchment area, drainage area. Cf. watershed (def. 2). [1880 85, Amer.] * * * ▪ geology also called Catchment Area, or (in North America) Watershed, … Universalium
discharge — Synonyms and related words: AC arc, Poulsen arc, abide by, abrogate, absolution, absolve, accomplish, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accordance, achieve, achievement, acknowledgment, acquit, acquitment, acquittal, acquittance, adhere to,… … Moby Thesaurus
discharge — flow of water in a river or drainage basin, measured in cubic feet per second (cfs) or cubic metres per second passing a certain point … Dictionary of ichthyology
drainage — Synonyms and related words: air drying, anhydration, aspiration, bleeding, bloodletting, broaching, cleaning out, clearance, clearing, cupping, defecation, defluxion, dehumidification, dehydration, depletion, desiccation, discharge, discharging… … Moby Thesaurus
drainage-tube — drainˈage tube noun A tube for discharge of pus, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑drain … Useful english dictionary
water discharge — discharge (flow of water in a river or drainage basin, measured in cubic feet per second (cfs) or cubic metres per second passing a certain point) … Dictionary of ichthyology