- digested sludge
- перегнивший ил; созревший ил* * *сброженный [перегнивший] осадок сточных вод
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Sludge — is the residual semi solid material left from industrial, water treatment, or wastewater treatment processes.When fresh sewage or wastewater is added to a settling tank, approximately 50% of the suspended solid matter will settle out in about an… … Wikipedia
Sewage sludge treatment — described the processes used to manage and dispose of the sludges produced during sewage treatment.ources of sludgeCoarse primary solids and secondary biosolids accumulated in a wastewater treatment process must be treated and disposed of in a… … Wikipedia
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
Septic tank — A septic tank, the key component of a septic system, is a small scale sewage treatment system common in areas with no connection to main sewage pipes provided by private corporations or local governments. (Other components, typically mandated… … Wikipedia
Imhoff tank — The Imhoff tank, named for German engineer Karl Imhoff (1876–1965), is a chamber suitable for the reception and processing of sewage. It may be used for the clarification of sewage by simple settling and sedimentation, along with anaerobic… … Wikipedia
биологически переработанный осадок сточных вод — — [http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en] EN digested sludge Sludge or thickened mixture of sewage solids with water that has been decomposed by anaerobic bacteria. (Source: MGH)… … Справочник технического переводчика
Hyperion sewage treatment plant — The Hyperion Wastewater Treatment plant is located in southwest Los Angeles, California next to Dockweiler State Beach on Santa Monica Bay. The largest such facility in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, Hyperion is operated by the City of Los… … Wikipedia
Deer Island Waste Water Treatment Plant — Aerial view, Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2010. Photo by Doc Searls … Wikipedia
Maple Cross — Coordinates: 51°37′30″N 0°30′29″W / 51.625°N 0.508°W / 51.625; 0.508 … Wikipedia
Markfield Beam Engine — Coordinates: 51°34′55″N 0°3′42″W / 51.58194°N 0.06167°W / 51.58194; 0.06167 … Wikipedia
Anaerobic digestion — and regenerative thermal oxidiser component of Lübeck mechanical biological treatment plant in Germany, 2007 … Wikipedia