diamond-mesh lath

diamond-mesh lath
штукатурная сетка из просечно-вытяжной тонколистовой стали

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "diamond-mesh lath" в других словарях:

  • Lath and plaster — is a building process used mainly for interior walls in Canada and the United States until the late 1950s. After the 1950s, drywall began to replace the lath and plaster process in the these countries. In the United Kingdom, lath and plaster was… …   Wikipedia

  • lath — lathlike, adj. /lath, lahth/, n., pl. laths /ladhz, laths, lahdhz, lahths/, v. n. 1. a thin, narrow strip of wood, used with other strips to form latticework, a backing for plaster or stucco, a support for slates and other roofing materials, etc …   Universalium

  • Plasterwork — refers to construction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls. This is also sometimes called pargeting. The process of creating plasterwork, called… …   Wikipedia

  • clay mineral — any of a group of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, as kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite, that constitute the major portion of most clays. [1945 50] * * * Any of a group of important hydrous aluminum silicates with a layered structure and… …   Universalium

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