- air inlet
- воздухоприёмник; приточное отверстие* * *1. воздуховпускное отверстие; наружный воздухозабор2. вытяжное отверстие
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
air inlet — The portion of aircraft ahead of the engine compressor that is designed to conduct incoming air to the compressor at correct speed and direction and with minimum energy loss resulting from drag or ram air losses … Aviation dictionary
air inlet — opening through which air enters … English contemporary dictionary
air inlet valve — an adjustable door, often vacuum operated, in the plenum blower assembly that permits election of outside or inside air for automotive heating and cooling systems … Dictionary of automotive terms
Air inlet — Впускное, входное отверстие для воздуха … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Heated air inlet — For other uses, see Warm air intake (disambiguation).A heated air inlet or warm air intake is a system commonly used on the original air cleaner assemblies of carburetted engines to increase the temperature of the air going into the engine for… … Wikipedia
engine air-inlet vortex destroyer — A small jetstream directed downward from the leading edge of the nose cowl to the ground to destroy the swirling vortex base. When gas turbine engines are operating on the ground, an engine air inlet vortex can sometimes form between the engine… … Aviation dictionary
heated air inlet system — (HAI) a system that operates during cold weather and cold start. Brings warm, filtered air into the engine to control the volume of air entering the engine, vaporize the fuel better and reduce HC and CO emissions … Dictionary of automotive terms
inlet — An entrance or orifice for the admission of a fluid. The term normally is used with other words as a prefix, such as in inlet air, inlet air temperature, inlet casing, inlet duct, inlet guide van, inlet port, inlet valve, etc. See inlet case … Aviation dictionary
inlet — noun 1) we drifted toward a marshy inlet Syn: cove, bay, bight, estuary, fjord, sound, armlet, salt chuck 2) a fresh air inlet Syn: vent, flue, shaft, duct … Thesaurus of popular words
inlet — noun 1) a rocky inlet Syn: cove, bay, bight, creek, estuary, fjord, sound; Scottish firth 2) an air inlet Syn: vent, flue, shaft, duct, chann … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
inlet — noun 1》 a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river. 2》 a place or means of entry: an air inlet. 3》 (in tailoring and dressmaking) an inserted piece of material … English new terms dictionary