- design feature
- конструктивные особенности
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Design management — is the business side of design. Design managers need to speak the language of the business and the language of design … Wikipedia
design — de|sign1 W1S3 [dıˈzaın] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(process of planning)¦ 2¦(arrangement of parts)¦ 3¦(pattern)¦ 4¦(drawing)¦ 5¦(intention)¦ 6 have designs on something 7 have designs on somebody ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(PROCESS OF PLANNING)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
Feature Oriented Programming — (FOP) or Feature Oriented Software Development (FOSD) is a general paradigm for program synthesis in software product lines. FOSD arose out of layer based designs of network protocols and extensible database systems in the late 1980s cite web |… … Wikipedia
Feature Driven Development — (FDD) is an iterative and incremental software development process. It is one of a number of Agile methods for developing software and forms part of the Agile Alliance. FDD blends a number of industry recognized best practices into a cohesive… … Wikipedia
Design by contract — (DbC) or Programming by Contract is an approach to designing computer software. It prescribes that software designers should define formal, precise and verifiable interface specifications for software components, which extend the ordinary… … Wikipedia
Design for Death — Directed by Richard Fleischer Produced by Sid Rogell Theron Warth Written by Theodor S. Geisel (Dr. Seuss) Helen Palmer … Wikipedia
Design for manufacturability for CNC machining — Design for manufacturability (DFM) describes the process of designing or engineering a product in order to facilitate the manufacturing process in order to reduce its manufacturing costs. DFM will allow potential problems to be fixed in the… … Wikipedia
Design Exchange — (DX) Established 1994 Location Toronto, Canada Type Museum and Education Centre … Wikipedia
Design 1047 battlecruiser — A plan and profile of Nevesbu s Project 1047; it is not specified if this depicts the final design.[1] Class overview Name … Wikipedia
Feature interaction problem — Feature interaction is a phenomenon that occurs when functionality of a system (typically consisting of hardware or software) is added or removed. The term feature is used to denote an abstract unit of functionality that a system provides, and… … Wikipedia
Design Web Format — Filename extension .dwf, .dwfx Developed by Autodesk Type of format CAD Design Web Format (DWF) is a secure file format developed by Autodesk for the efficient distribution and communication of rich design data to anyone who needs to view, review … Wikipedia