design costs

design costs
стоимость проектных работ

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "design costs" в других словарях:

  • Design for assembly — (DFA) is a process by which products are designed with ease of assembly in mind. If a product contains fewer parts it will take less time to assemble, thereby reducing assembly costs. In addition, if the parts are provided with features which… …   Wikipedia

  • Design for Assembly — is a process by which products are designed with ease of assembly in mind. If a product contains fewer parts it will take less time to assemble, thereby reducing assembly costs. In addition, if the parts are provided with features which make it… …   Wikipedia

  • Design-bid-build — (or design/bid/build, and abbreviated D B B or D/B/B accordingly), also known as Design tender (or design/tender ), is a project delivery method in which the agency or owner contracts with separate entities for each the design and construction of …   Wikipedia

  • Design–bid–build — (or design/bid/build, and abbreviated D–B–B or D/B/B accordingly), also known as Design–tender (or design/tender ) and traditional method, is a project delivery method in which the agency or owner contracts with separate entities for each the… …   Wikipedia

  • Design–build — Design build (or design/build, and abbreviated D–B or D/B accordingly) is a project delivery system used in the construction industry. It is a method to deliver a project in which the design and construction services are contracted by a single… …   Wikipedia

  • Design for logistics — is a series of concepts in the field of supply chain management involving product and design approaches that help to control logistics costs and increase customer service levels. These concepts were introduced by Professor Hau Lee of Stanford… …   Wikipedia

  • Design-build — (or design/build, and abbreviated D B or D/B accordingly) is a construction project delivery system where, in contrast to design bid build (or design tender ), the design and construction aspects are contracted for with a single entity known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Design Exchange — (DX) Established 1994 Location Toronto, Canada Type Museum and Education Centre …   Wikipedia

  • Design 1047 battlecruiser — A plan and profile of Nevesbu s Project 1047; it is not specified if this depicts the final design.[1] Class overview Name …   Wikipedia

  • Design management in organization — involves creating the means to accomplish the stated mission or objective. To design means to function according to a plan. The design establishes the relationships among the various parts of the organization (or the system), linking them… …   Wikipedia

  • Design strategy — is a discipline which helps firms determine what to make and do, why do it and how to innovate contextually, both immediately and over the long term. This process involves the interplay between design and business strategy, forming a systematic… …   Wikipedia

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