- delivery side
- сторона нагнетания [подачи], сторона высокого давления
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Delivery (song) — Delivery Single by Babyshambles from the album Shotter s Nation Released … Wikipedia
Delivery of the Keys (Perugino) — Delivery of the Keys Artist Perugino Year c. 1481 1482 Type Fresco Dimensions 330 cm × 550 cm (130 in × 220 in) … Wikipedia
Delivery of the Franciscan Rule — Artist Colantonio Year 1445 Type Mixed technique on panel Dimensions 150 cm × 185 cm (59 in × 73 in) Location Ca … Wikipedia
delivery address — The location (destination) to which the USPS is to deliver a mailpiece. Except for mail prepared with a detached address label, the piece must show the address of the addressee (intended recipient) on the side bearing the postage. It is usually… … Glossary of postal terms
zone of slippage on the delivery side — Смотри зона опережения … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Delivery (cricket) — A delivery or ball in cricket is a single action of bowling a cricket ball towards the batsman. During play of the game, a member of the fielding team is designated as the bowler, and bowls deliveries towards the batsman. Six balls in a row… … Wikipedia
Delivery Versus Payment - DVP — A securities industry procedure in which the buyer s payment for securities is due at the time of delivery. Security delivery and payment are simultaneous. Also known as delivery against payment, delivery against cash, or from the sell side … Investment dictionary
Delivery Risk — The risk that a counterparty in a transaction may not be able to fulfill its side of the agreement by failing to deliver the underlying asset or the cash value of the contract. Also called settlement risk. In the foreign exchange context,… … Investment dictionary
Side-Looking-Airborne-Radar — in der Literatur benannte Winkel bei SLAR: β = Einfalls oder Inzidenzwinkel (engl: incidence angle), ε = Depressionswinkel (engl: depression angle), durch die Erdkrümmung ungleich dem Streifwinkel γ… … Deutsch Wikipedia
side delivery rake — noun a mechanical hay rake which pushes the mown hay to one side to form windrows …
side-delivery rake — noun : a hay rake carrying teeth usually on a reel that lift and push the hay to the side into a windrow at right angles to the forward path of the rake … Useful english dictionary