- deform
- деформировать(ся), коробить(ся)* * *деформироваться, подвергаться деформации; деформировать
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Deform — Deform … Википедия
deform — deform, distort, contort, warp mean to mar or spoil a person s or thing s appearance, character, true nature, or development by or as if by twisting. Deform is the least specific of these terms in its implications; sometimes, it carries no… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Deform — De*form , a. [L. deformis; de + forma form: cf. OF. deforme, F. difforme. Cf. {Difform}.] Deformed; misshapen; shapeless; horrid. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Sight so deform what heart of rock could long Dry eyed behold? Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Deform — De*form , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Deformed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Deforming}.] [L. deformare; de + formare to form, shape, fr. forma: cf. F. d[ e]former. See {Form}.] 1. To spoil the form of; to mar in form; to misshape; to disfigure. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deform — [dē fôrm′, difôrm′] vt. [ME deformen < OFr deformer < L deformare < de , from + forma, FORM] 1. to impair the form or shape of 2. to make ugly; disfigure 3. Physics to change the shape of by pressure or stress vi. to become deformed SYN … English World dictionary
Deform — (v. lat.), ungestaltet, häßlich; daher Deformiren, verunstalten, entstellen; Deformität, jede von der normalen abweichende Bildung des Körpers od. eines Theiles desselben, ursprünglich (Bildungsfehler) od. später durch Verletzung, Krankheit od.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Deform — (lat.), von abweichender Form, mißgestaltet; deformieren, in der Form verändern, verunstalten; über Deformationen in der Physik s. Elastizität und Plastizität; über mineralogische und geologische Deformationen s. Metamorphismus. In der Botanik… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Defórm — (lat.), mißgestaltet; Deformation, Entstellung, Verunstaltung; deformieren, verunstalten. Deformitäten, Mißgestaltungen des Körpers … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Deform — Deform, lat., mißgestaltet; Deformation, Verunstaltung; deformiren, verunstalten, entstellen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
deform — index camouflage, contort, damage, deface, denature, disorganize, distort, mutilate, spoil ( … Law dictionary
deform — c.1400, to disfigure, from O.Fr. deformer (13c.), from L. deformare put out of shape, disfigure, from de (see DE (Cf. de )) + formare (see FORM (Cf. form)). Related: Deformed; deforming … Etymology dictionary