debris dam

debris dam
плотина из наносных пород
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наносозадерживающая плотина; наносозадерживающая запруда; запруда-селеуловитель

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "debris dam" в других словарях:

  • Dam — /dam, dahm/, n. (Carl Peter) Henrik /kahrl pee ter hen rik/; Dan. /kahrddl pay teuhrdd hen rddik/, 1895 1976, Danish biochemist: Nobel prize for medicine 1943. * * * I Barrier built across a stream, river, or estuary to conserve water for such… …   Universalium

  • Debris flow — Scars formed by debris flow in great Los Angeles during the winter of 1968 1969. The photograph was taken within several months of the debris flows occurring. A debris flow is a fast moving, liquefied landslide of unconsolidated, saturated debris …   Wikipedia

  • dam — dam1 /dam/, n., v., dammed, damming. n. 1. a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, esp. one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river. 2. a body of water confined by a dam. 3. any barrier resembling a dam. v.t. 4. to furnish with a …   Universalium

  • Dam failure — The reservoir emptying through the failed Teton Dam A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or slows down the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundments. Most dams have a section called a spillway or weir over… …   Wikipedia

  • debris catcher — trash collector (a wire fence across a stream used to retain debris and create a dam and a plunge pool; makes habitat for fish and collects gravel for spawning habitat. Also called trash catcher or grizzly) …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Landslide dam — A landslide dam, debris dam, or barrier lake is a natural damming of a river by some kind of mass wasting: landslide, debris flow, rock avalanche or volcano.[1] If it is caused by earthquake, it may also be called a quake lake. Some landslide… …   Wikipedia

  • Avalanche dam — Avalanche dams (anti avalanche dams, avalanche protection dams) are a type of avalanche control structures used for protection of inhabited areas, roads, electric lens, etc., from avalanches. The two major types are deflection and catchment dams …   Wikipedia

  • Medeu Dam — Looking down from Medeu Dam, toward Medeu Skating Rink to the north Medeu (Medeo) Mudflow Control Dam (Russian: Противоселевая плотина Медео) is a dam across the Medeu Valley south east of Almaty, Kazakhstan, designed to protect the city from… …   Wikipedia

  • Risks to the Glen Canyon Dam — Glen Canyon Dam viewed from inside lower Glen Canyon The Glen Canyon Dam, a concrete arch dam on the Colorado River in the U.S. state of Arizona, has been associated with a large amount of risk, most notably the risk of its siltation and failure …   Wikipedia

  • Englebright Dam — Infobox Dam dam name= Englebright Dam caption= A miner scaling the rock face below the dam during installation of the Narrows II Powerhouse Flow Bypass System in 2006 official name= Englebright Dam crosses= Yuba River reservoir= Englebright Lake… …   Wikipedia

  • St. Francis Dam — The St. Francis Dam was a concrete gravity arch dam, designed to create a reservoir as part of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. The dam was located 40 miles (64 km) northwest of Los Angeles, California, near the present city of Santa Clarita. The dam… …   Wikipedia

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