- dead axle
- неподвижная ось* * *неподвижная ось
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
dead axle — An axle that does not rotate nor is driven but merely forms a base upon which to attach the wheels. Also see beam axle. It contrasts with a live axle … Dictionary of automotive terms
dead axle — noun an axle that carries a wheel but without power to drive it • Hypernyms: ↑axle • Hyponyms: ↑axletree * * * noun : an axle that carries a road wheel but has no provision for driving it … Useful english dictionary
dead axle — /dɛd ˈæksəl/ (say ded aksuhl) noun an axle on which wheels rotate but which does not itself rotate. Compare live axle …
Axle — For other uses, see Axle (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Axl (disambiguation) or Axel (disambiguation). Train wheels are affixed to a straight axle, such that both wheels rotate in unison. This is called a wheelset. An axle is a… … Wikipedia
axle — An axle is a shaft on which the wheels revolve. A full floating axle is used to drive the rear wheels. It does not hold them on nor support them. A semi floating or one quarter floating axle is used to drive the wheels, hold them on, and support… … Dictionary of automotive terms
dead — [ded] adj. [ME ded < OE dēad, akin to ON dauthr, OHG tōt, Goth dauths: orig. pp. of an old v. base appearing in ON deyja, OS dojan, OHG touwen, all < IE base * dheu , DIE1] 1. no longer living; having died 2. naturally without life;… … English World dictionary
dead — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English deed, from Old English dēad; akin to Old Norse dauthr dead, deyja to die, Old High German tōt dead more at die Date: before 12th century 1. deprived of life ; no longer alive 2. a. (1) having the appearance… … New Collegiate Dictionary
dead rear axle — A rear axle that does not turn. E.g., rear axle of front wheel drive car … Dictionary of automotive terms
Beam axle — Solid axle and Panhard rod on a 2002 Mazda MPV A beam axle is a suspension system, also called a solid axle, in which one set of wheels is connected laterally by a single beam or shaft. A live axle is a type of beam axle in which the shaft (or… … Wikipedia
live axle — noun the axle of a self propelled vehicle that provides the driving power • Syn: ↑driving axle • Hypernyms: ↑axle • Part Holonyms: ↑drive line, ↑drive line system * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
de Dion axle — A rear axle setup developed by Count de Dion in the 19th century in which the driving wheels are attached to curved dead axle that is attached to the frame by a central pivot, the differential unit is bolted to the frame and is connected to the… … Dictionary of automotive terms