
1) (дроссельный) воздушный клапан, дымовая заслонка; задвижка; вентиляционное отверстие с клапаном
2) демпфер; гаситель (колебаний)
3) успокоитель, амортизатор, виброизолятор
- bell damper - built-in vibration damper - bypass damper - chimney damper - dome damper - draft damper - fire damper - fire control damper - flame damper - flue damper - hydraulic damper - manual damper - motor-operated damper - one-way damper - piston damper - shut-off damper - slide damper - smoke damper - sound damper - spring damper - swivel damper - telescopic damper - vane-type damper - ventilating damper in the wall - vibration damper - volume damper
* * *
1.   заслонка; воздушный клапан
2.   амортизатор, виброизолятор
- adjustable damper
- adjustable slide damper
- adjustment damper
- air regulating damper
- air stream operated damper
- backdraft damper
- balancing damper
- butterfly damper
- bypass damper
- deflecting damper
- draught check damper
- equalizing damper
- exhaust damper
- face damper
- face and bypass damper
- fire-retardant damper
- fire damper
- gravity relief damper
- gravity damper
- hand operated damper
- heat-insulated intake damper
- hinged fire damper
- hit and miss damper
- intake damper
- interlocked air dampers
- iris damper
- leaf-type damper
- louver damper
- manual damper
- mixing damper
- motor operated damper
- multiblade damper
- nonreturn damper
- one-way damper
- opposite blade damper
- parallel blade damper
- regulating damper
- relief damper
- self-closing damper
- shut-off damper
- single leaf damper
- slide damper
- sliding fire damper
- smoke damper
- smoke protection damper
- splitter damper
- throttling damper
- volume control damper
- zone damper

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "damper" в других словарях:

  • Damper — Damper, der auf heißer Kohlenasche gebacken wird. Damper stellt eine Mischung einer Brotherstellung der Aborigines und der Europäer in Australien dar. Dabei wird die jahrtausendealte Tradition des Brotbackens der Aborigines mit der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • damper — ► NOUN 1) a pad silencing a piano string. 2) a device for reducing vibration or oscillation. 3) a movable metal plate in a flue or chimney, used to regulate the draught. ● put a damper on Cf. ↑put a damper on …   English terms dictionary

  • damper — [dam′pər] n. [see DAMP] 1. anything that deadens or depresses 2. a movable plate or valve in the flue of a stove or furnace, for controlling the draft 3. a device to check vibration in the strings of a stringed keyboard instrument 4. a device for …   English World dictionary

  • damper — damp er (d[a^]m p[ e]r), n. That which damps or checks; as: (a) A valve or movable plate in the flue or other part of a stove, furnace, etc., used to check or regulate the draught of air. (b) A contrivance, as in a pianoforte, to deaden… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • damper — ● damper nom masculin (anglais damper, amortisseur) Dispositif placé au bout du vilebrequin d un moteur thermique pour en amortir les vibrations …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • damper — I (depressant) noun backset, bleakness, cheerlessness, chill, cloud, crushed spirits, depressing influence, discouragement, disheartener, downheartedness, feeling of dejection, feeling of depression, gloom, glumness, heaviness, heaviness of… …   Law dictionary

  • damper — of a piano, 1783; of a chimney, 1788; agent noun from DAMP (Cf. damp) (q.v.). Either or both led to various figurative senses …   Etymology dictionary

  • damper — dàmper (dèmper) m DEFINICIJA reg., v. kiper ETIMOLOGIJA engl. dumper: kiper …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Damper — A damper is a device that deadens, restrains, or depresses. Damper may refer to: Dashpot, a type of hydraulic or mechanical damper, Shock absorber (British or technical use: damper), a mechanical device designed to dissipate kinetic energy In… …   Wikipedia

  • damper — [1] A friction device sometimes called a shock absorber. Used for controlling and damping spring oscillations. The springs actually absorb road shocks; the dampers convert the energy imparted to the springs into thermal energy (by friction),… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • damper — [[t]dæ̱mpə(r)[/t]] dampers 1) N COUNT A damper is a small sheet of metal in a fire, boiler, or furnace that can be moved to increase or reduce the amount of air that enters. 2) N COUNT A damper is a device in a piano or similar musical instrument …   English dictionary

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