- damage
- 1) повреждение; разрушение2) дефект3) ком. ущерб, убыток4) мн. ч.; ком. возмещение ущерба5) повреждать, разрушать; наносить ущерб•
damage by water — повреждение водой
to cause damage — причинять повреждение
to claim damages — ком. взыскивать убытки
to discover damage — обнаруживать повреждение
to inflict damage — наносить ущерб
to recover damages — ком. получать компенсацию (за убытки)
- accidental damage - actual damage - aesthetic damage - agreed-and-liquidated damage - assembly damage - cable damage - collision damage of a panel - concealed damage - corrosive damage - corrosive-fatigue damage - critical damage of a structure - early damage - earthquake damage - ecological damage - electrical damage - electronic unit damage - environmental damage - equipment damage - erosive damage - external damage of a building - external damage of concrete surface - fastener damage - fire damage - flood damage - fractional damage - frost structure damage - general damages - in-plant damage - internal damage of the structure - leaking-causing oil pump damage - liquidated damage - machine damage - maintenance damage - mechanical damage - noise fatigue damage - nominal and contemptuous damages - overheat damage - overrun damage - physical damage - pipeline damage - pollution damage - prospective damages - seismic damage of bridges - shock damage - specific damages - statutory damages - storing damage - structural damage - structural fatigue damage - structure buckling damage - superficial damage - surface damage - transport damage - vibration damage to concrete - visible damageto refund damages — возмещать убытки
* * *разрушение; повреждение- actual damage
- corrosion damage
- earthquake damage
- fatigue damage
- fire damage to concrete
- freeze-thaw damage
- freezing damage
- frost damage
- impact damage
- seismic damage to buildings
- steel corrosion damage of concrete
- structural damage
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.