- cylinder strength
- цилиндровая прочность* * *цилиндровая прочность
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Cylinder head porting — refers to the process of modifying the intake and exhaust ports of an internal combustion engine to improve the quality and quantity of the air flow. Cylinder heads, as manufactured, are usually suboptimal due to design and manufacturing… … Wikipedia
Cylinder stresses — Circumferential stress is a type of mechanical stress of a cylindrically shaped part as a result of internal or external pressure. The classic example of circumferential stress is the tension applied to the iron bands, or hoops, of a wooden… … Wikipedia
cylinder — 1. A cylindrical lens. 2. A cylindrical or rodlike renal cast. 3. A cylindrical metal container for gases stored under high pressure. [G. kylindros, a roll] Bence Jones cylinders slightly irregular, relatively smooth, rod shaped or cylindroid … Medical dictionary
Gas cylinder — For the mechanical devices used to impart a force from a pressurized liquid or gas, see pneumatic cylinder. For the large structures used to store town gas, see gas holder. Industrial compressed gas cylinders used for oxy fuel welding and cutting … Wikipedia
Hydraulic cylinder — A Hydraulic cylinder (also called a linear hydraulic motor) is a mechanical actuator that is used to give a linear force through a linear stroke. It has many applications, notably in engineering vehicles. Operation Hydraulic cylinders get their… … Wikipedia
compressive strength test — mechanical test measuring the maximum amount of compressive load a material can bear before fracturing. The test piece, usually in the form of a cube, prism, or cylinder, is compressed between the platens of a compression testing machine by … Universalium
нормативная цилиндрическая прочность бетона на сжатие в возрасте 28 сут. — нормативная цилиндрическая прочность бетона на сжатие в возрасте 28 сут. fck — [Англо русский словарь по проектированию строительных конструкций. МНТКС, Москва, 2011] Тематики строительные конструкции Синонимы fck EN characteristic… … Справочник технического переводчика
нормативное значение цилиндрической прочности бетона на сжатие при пожаре и температуре q °C — fc,q — [Англо русский словарь по проектированию строительных конструкций. МНТКС, Москва, 2011] Тематики строительные конструкции Синонимы fc,q EN characteristic value for the compressive cylinder strength of concrete in the fire situation… … Справочник технического переводчика
нормативное значение цилиндрической прочности на сжатие бетона в возрасте 28 дней и при температуре 20 °C — нормативное значение цилиндрической прочности на сжатие бетона в возрасте 28 дней и при температуре 20 °C fс — [Англо русский словарь по проектированию строительных конструкций. МНТКС, Москва, 2011] Тематики строительные конструкции… … Справочник технического переводчика
papermaking — [pā′pər māk΄iŋ] n. the making of paper papermaker n. * * * pa·per·mak·ing (pāʹpər mā kĭng) n. The process or craft of making paper. paʹper·mak er n. * * * Introduction formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres,… … Universalium
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium