
1) закругление, кривая; эпюра
2) график; лекало
3) гнуть, разбивать кривую

curve of maximum bending moments — кривая, огибающая наибольших изгибающих моментов

to construct a curve — строить кривую

to fit a curve — припасовывать кривую

- actual curve - adiabatic curve - ageing curve - backwater curve - bending curve - bending moment curve - bulking curve - capacity curve - characteristic curve - closed curve - compression curve - connecting curve - consolidation-test curve - cumulative grading curve - deflection curve - depletion curve - depression curve - discharge curve - discharge-mass curve - dotted curve - drawdown curve - drawing curve - easy curve - efficiency curve - elastic curve - flat curve - flow curve - grading curve - hardening curve - heating curve - helical curve - horizontal curve - isotherm curve - lag curve - level curve - load curve - load-deflection curve - load-duration curve - load-strain curve - load-time deflection curve - moment curve - no-load curve - performance curve - pressure curve - rating curve - rating curve of spillway - recovery curve - resistance curve - risk curve - smoothed curve - speed-load curve - stress-strain curve - sweeping curve - wear-time curve
* * *
1.   кривая; график
2.   лекало
3.   изгиб; закругление; кривизна
- curve of maximum bending moments
- curve of maximum moments
- ageing curve
- apparent-resistivity curve
- area curve
- area-volume curve
- averaged curve
- backwater curve
- bending curve
- bending failure curve
- bending moment curve
- bilinear elastic-strain hardening curve
- bilinear elastic strain-hardening stress strain curve
- blind curve
- Bolomey's curves
- braking curve
- bulking curve
- calibration curve
- capacity curve
- casting curve
- catenary curve
- characteristic curve
- circular curve
- closed curve
- column curve
- compaction curve
- compound curve
- consolidation-test curve
- constant-radius curve
- consumption curve
- contour curve
- cost curve
- counter curve
- creep curve
- cubic curve
- cumulation volume curve
- decrement curve
- deflection curve
- deformation curve
- depletion curve
- depression curve
- depth curve
- depth-velocity curve
- discharge curve
- discharge mass curve
- discharge-rating curve
- dispersion curve
- displacement-time curve
- distribution curve
- drawdown curve
- drawing curve
- drop-down curve
- duration curve
- easement curve
- elastic curve
- empirical curve
- envelope curve
- expansion curve
- fan performance curve
- fatigue curve
- fee curve
- flat curve
- flexure curve
- flood-frequency curve
- flow curve
- flow-duration curve
- flow mass curve
- frequency curve
- Fuller's curve
- funicular curve
- gauge correlation curve
- gradation curve
- graduated transition curve
- grain-size accumulation curve
- groundwater storage curve
- hairpin curve
- hardening curve
- head-capacity curve
- heating curve
- helical curve
- horizontal curve
- ideal grading curve
- integral flow curve
- integrated curve
- intrinsic curve
- load curve
- load-deformation curve
- load-extension curve
- load-transfer curve
- mass curve
- mass curve of rainfall
- mass-haul curve
- meridional curve
- Mohr's enveloping curve
- moment curve
- Moody curve
- NC curves
- noise criteria curves
- ogee curve
- open curve
- particle-size accumulator curve
- particle-size distribution curve
- payload-range curve
- performance curve
- plane curve
- population curve
- pressure-void ratio curve
- probability curve
- Proctor moisture density curve
- Proctor curve
- pull rise curve
- pump curve
- rating curve
- rebound curve
- recession curve
- recompression curve
- reloading curve
- representative curve
- reverse curve
- reverse loop curve
- S curve
- sag curve
- saturation curve
- second-order curve
- short-term stress-strain curve
- sieve analysis curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- space curve
- stage discharge curve
- storage curve
- stress-strain curve
- system head curve
- temperature curve
- test curve
- tight curve
- time curve
- time-deformation curve
- torque curve
- transition curve
- travel-time curve
- true stress-strain curve
- vertical curve
- vertical velocity curve
- virgin curve
- volume curve
- wear curve
- whiplash curve
- Wöhler curve
- zero air voids curve

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат


Смотреть что такое "curve" в других словарях:

  • curve — [kɜːv ǁ kɜːrv] noun [countable] a diagram showing how a price or an amount changes in relation to another price, amount etc: • The price curve is rising as the bond gets closer to maturity. US /kɜːv/ noun [C] ► GRAPHS & CHARTS a line on a graph… …   Financial and business terms

  • Curve — Curve, n. [See {Curve}, a., {Cirb}.] 1. A bending without angles; that which is bent; a flexure; as, a curve in a railway or canal. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geom.) A line described according to some low, and having no finite portion of it a straight… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • curve — vb Curve, bend, twist are comparable when they mean to swerve or cause to swerve or deviate from a straight line or a normal direction or course. Curve is the word of widest application, and it may describe any deviation or swerving from the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • curve — [kʉrv] adj. [L curvus, bent: see CROWN] Archaic curved n. 1. a line having no straight part; bend having no angular part 2. a thing or part having the shape of a curve 3. the act of curving, or the extent of this 4. [pl.] the pronounced curving… …   English World dictionary

  • curve — ⇒CURVE, adj. Rare. Courbe. J appris les secrets Des pertuisés roseaux et de la curve flûte (MORÉAS, Sylves, 1896, p. 161). Rem. Canada 1930, BÉL. 1957, DUL. 1968 attestent curve, subst. fém., région. (Canada) au sens de « courbe, tournant,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Curve — Curve, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Curved} (k[^u]rvd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Curving}.] [L. curvare., fr. curvus. See {Curve}, a., {Curb}.] To bend; to crook; as, to curve a line; to curve a pipe; to cause to swerve from a straight course; as, to curve a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curve — (k[^u]rv), a. [L. curvus bent, curved. See {Cirb}.] Bent without angles; crooked; curved; as, a curve line; a curve surface. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curve — (englisch für „Kurve; Rundung“) bezeichnet: eine britische Rock /Electronica Band, siehe Curve (Band) eine US amerikanische Lesbenzeitschrift, siehe Curve (Zeitschrift) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • curve — curve; curve·some; in·curve; …   English syllables

  • Curve — Curve, v. i. To bend or turn gradually from a given direction; as, the road curves to the right. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • curve — [n] arched, rounded line or object ambit, arc, arch, bend, bight, bow, camber, catenary, chord, circle, circuit, circumference, compass, concavity, contour, crook, curlicue, curvation, curvature, ellipse, festoon, flexure, hairpin, half moon,… …   New thesaurus

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