- Cross method
- метод распределения моментов, метод Кросса (расчёта рам)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Cross International — Alliance Type 501(c)(3) non profit organization Founded 2001 Location Pompano Beach, Florida USA … Wikipedia
Cross, Hardy — ▪ American engineer born Feb. 10, 1885, Nansemond County, Va., U.S. died Feb. 11, 1959, Virginia Beach, Va. U.S. professor of civil and structural engineering whose outstanding contribution was a method of calculating tendencies to produce… … Universalium
Cross Impact Analysis — is a methodology developed by Theodore Gordon and Olaf Helmer in the 1966 to help determine how relationships between events would impact resulting events and reduce uncertainty in the future.[1] The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) became… … Wikipedia
Cross-validation (statistics) — Cross validation, sometimes called rotation estimation,[1][2][3] is a technique for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set. It is mainly used in settings where the goal is prediction, and… … Wikipedia
Cross-matching — Intervention MeSH D001788 Cross matching blood, in transfusion medicine, refers to the complex testing that is performed prior to a blood transfusion, to determine if the donor s blood is compatible with the blood of an intended … Wikipedia
Cross-cultural psychology — is the scientific study of human behavior and mental process, including both their variability and invariance, under diverse cultural conditions.[1] Through expanding research methodologies to recognise cultural variance in behaviour, language… … Wikipedia
Cross-browser — refers to the ability for a website, web application, HTML construct or client side script to support all the web browsers. The term cross browser is often confused with multi browser. Multi browser is a new paradigm in web development that… … Wikipedia
Cross-site tracing — (XST) is a network security vulnerability exploiting the HTTP TRACE method. XST scripts exploit ActiveX, Flash, or any other controls that allow executing an HTTP TRACE request. The HTTP TRACE response includes all the HTTP headers including… … Wikipedia
Cross Game — volume 1 cover as published by Shogakukan, showing Ko (left) and Wakaba クロスゲーム … Wikipedia
Cross Game — クロスゲーム (Куросу Гэму) Жанр романтическая комедия, спокон … Википедия
Cross-country skiing — Priit Narusk in the qualification for the Tour de Ski in Prague. Nickname(s) XC skiing Characteristics Categorization Outdoor or indoor in ski tunn … Wikipedia