Смотреть что такое "crenelle" в других словарях:
Crenelle — Cre*nelle , Crenel Cre*nel (kr? n?l ), n. [OF. crenel, F. cr?neau, LL. crenellus, kernellus, dim. (prob.) fr. L. crena notch. See {Crenny}.] 1. An embrasure or indentation in a battlement; a loophole in a fortress; an indentation; a notch. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crenelle — Crenature Cren a*ture (kr?n ? t?r or kr? n? ; 135), n. 1. (Bot.) A rounded tooth or notch of a crenate leaf, or any part that is crenate; called also {crenelle}. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being crenated or notched. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crenelle — The space between *merlons, the indentation where soldier or archer had some protection; the gap of the gap toothed look. [< OldFr. crenel = a notch < Lat. crena = a serration, notch] Cf. Ajoure … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
crenelle — n. crenature, notch, space or opening in a battlement (also crenel) … English contemporary dictionary
crenelle — cre·nelle … English syllables
crenellé — cre·nel·lé … English syllables
crenelle — /krəˈnɛl/ (say kruh nel) noun, verb (t) (crenelled, crenelling) → crenel …
crenelle — noun 1. one of a series of rounded projections (or the notches between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth or the margin of a shell or a shriveled red blood cell observed in a hypertonic solution etc.) •… … Useful english dictionary
Crenel — Crenelle Cre*nelle , Crenel Cre*nel (kr? n?l ), n. [OF. crenel, F. cr?neau, LL. crenellus, kernellus, dim. (prob.) fr. L. crena notch. See {Crenny}.] 1. An embrasure or indentation in a battlement; a loophole in a fortress; an indentation; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
créneler — [ kren(ə)le ] v. tr. <conjug. : 4> • v. 1160; de créneau 1 ♦ Munir de créneaux. Créneler une muraille, un parapet. 2 ♦ Entailler en disposant des crans. ⇒ denteler. Créneler une roue pour un engrenage. Créneler une pièce de monnaie : faire… … Encyclopédie Universelle
crenelate — verb supply with battlements • Syn: ↑crenel, ↑crenellate • Derivationally related forms: ↑crenelle (for: ↑crenellate), ↑crenel (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary