- countersunk head
- потайная головка (винта, болта, гвоздя)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
countersunk — adj. make (the head of a bolt, nail, etc.) flush or level with a surface countersunk (countersink) v. make (the head of a bolt, nail, etc.) flush or level with a surface coun·ter·sink || kaÊŠntÉ™rsɪŋk v. make (the head of a bolt, nail, etc.)… … English contemporary dictionary
countersunk — ˈkau̇ntə(r)+| adjective Etymology: from past participle of countersink (I) 1. : having a countersink at the top a countersunk hole 2. : having the head set in a countersink … Useful english dictionary
countersunk bolt — A bolt with a special head. The underside of the head is tapered to fit into a hole that has tapered sides (countersunk hole) so that when the bolt is screwed in all the way, the top of the bolt is flush with the surface … Dictionary of automotive terms
countersunk screw — A screw with a special head. The underside of the head is tapered to fit into a hole that has tapered sides (countersunk hole) so that when the screw is screwed in all the way, the top of the screw is flush with the surface … Dictionary of automotive terms
Countersunk — Countersink Coun ter*sink (koun t[ e]r*s[i^][ng]k ; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Countersunk} ( s[u^][ng]k ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Countersinking}.] 1. To chamfer or form a depression around the top of (a hole in wood, metal, etc.) for the reception of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
countersunk hole — noun A hole which is drilled into a surface, so that when a screw is inserted, the screw head is level with the surface … Wiktionary
flush-head rivet — noun Etymology: flush (VI) : a rivet with a countersunk head … Useful english dictionary
Screw — This article is about the fastener. For other uses, see Screw (disambiguation). Screws come in a variety of shapes and sizes for different purposes. U.S. quarter coin (diameter 24 mm) shown for scale. A screw, or bolt, is a type of fastener… … Wikipedia
Countersink — A countersink is a conical hole cut into a manufactured object, or the cutter used to cut such a hole. A common usage is to allow the head of a countersunk bolt or screw, when placed in the hole, to sit flush with or below the surface of the… … Wikipedia
rivet — riveter, n. rivetless, adj. /riv it/, n., v., riveted, riveting or (esp. Brit.) rivetted, rivetting. n. 1. a metal pin for passing through holes in two or more plates or pieces to hold them together, usually made with a head at one end, the other … Universalium
винт с полупотайной головкой и невыпадающей стопорной шайбой — [ГОСТ 27017 86] Тематики крепежные изделия Обобщающие термины винты с невыпадающими деталями EN raised countersunk head screw with captive countersunk serrated lock washer DE Linsensenkschraube mit unverlierbarer Fächerscheibe FR vis à tête… … Справочник технического переводчика