
результат; вывод; дополнительный вывод
* * *
следствие; вывод; результат

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "corollary" в других словарях:

  • Corollary — Cor ol*la*ry (k?r ?l l? r?; 277), n.; pl. {Corollaries} ( r?z). [L. corollarium gift, corollary, fr. corolla. See {Corolla}.] 1. That which is given beyond what is actually due, as a garland of flowers in addition to wages; surplus; something… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • corollary — I noun addition, adjunct, appurtenance, complement, correlation, correspondence, deduction, derivation, derived principle, logical sequence, offshoot, outcome, outgrowth, propinquity, sequent, supplement, syllogism II index adjunct Burton s Legal …   Law dictionary

  • corollary — late 14c., from L.L. corollarium a deduction, consequence, from L. corollarium, originally money paid for a garland, hence gift, gratuity, something extra; and in logic, a proposition proved from another that has been proved. From corolla small… …   Etymology dictionary

  • corollary — [n] conclusion, deduction aftereffect, analogy, consequence, culmination, effect, end, end product, induction, inference, issue, precipitate, result, sequel, sequence, upshot; concepts 230,410,529 …   New thesaurus

  • corollary — ► NOUN (pl. corollaries) 1) a logical proposition that follows from one already proved. 2) a direct consequence or result. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ associated; supplementary. ORIGIN Latin corollarium money paid for a garland or chaplet; gratuity (later a… …   English terms dictionary

  • corollary — [kôr′ə ler΄ē, kär′ə ler΄ē; ] Brit & often Cdn [, kə räl′ər ē] n. pl. corollaries [ME corolarie < LL corollarium, a deduction < L, orig., money paid for a garland, hence gift, gratuity < corolla: see COROLLA] 1. a proposition that follows …   English World dictionary

  • Corollary — A corollary (  /ˈkɒrə …   Wikipedia

  • corollary — noun /kɒˈrɒləri,ˈkɒrələri,ˈkɔɹəˌlɛɹi/ a) Something given beyond what is actually due; something added or superfluous. Finally getting that cracked window fixed was a nice corollary of redoing the whole storefont. b) Something which occurs a… …   Wiktionary

  • corollary — n. a corollary to * * * [kə rɒl(ə)rɪ] a corollary to …   Combinatory dictionary

  • corollary — co|rol|la|ry [kəˈrɔləri US ˈko:rəleri, ˈka: ] n plural corollaries formal [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: corollarium money paid for a circle of flowers, something additional , from corolla circle of flowers ] something that is the direct… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • corollary — [[t]kərɒ̱ləri, AM kɔ͟ːrəleri[/t]] corollaries N COUNT: oft with poss A corollary of something is an idea, argument, or fact that results directly from it. [FORMAL] The number of prisoners increased as a corollary of the government s determination …   English dictionary

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