
1) управление; регулирование; контроль; надзор
2) регулирующий орган; регулирующий и контролирующий блок; управляющий клапан (напр. автоматического фильтра)
3) мн. ч. тяги управления; рычаги управления; органы управления
4) контрольный
5) управлять; контролировать; регулировать

to adopt control system — вводить систему контроля

to drop control — отменять контроль

to get out of control — выйти из-под контроля

to control the supervision of — осуществлять контроль за исполнением

to control the supervision — осуществлять контроль за исполнением

to control the traffic — регулировать движение

- control of concrete quality - control of streams - accounting control - air control - air pollution control - automatic control - batch control - brine line flow control - cascade control - continuous control - conveyer control - crane control - crest control - development control - distant control - electrical control - electronic control unit - environmental control - feed control - fingertip control - fire control system - flood control - foot control - hand control - health control - highway traffic control - humidity control - ice control - inductive loop control - lack of control - level control - manual control - material quality control - odour control - overall technical control - pedestrian control - planning control - pneumatic control - pollution control - power control - press-button control - progress control - pulse control - quality control - radar control - radioactive control - regular control - remote control - selective control - shipping control - street traffic control - tape control - technical control - temperature control - thermostatic control - tight control over building norms - timed control - traffic control - traffic-actuated control - two-position control
* * *
1.   управление, руководство
2.   контроль, проверка; надзор
3.   регулировка, регулирование
4.   орган [рычаг] управления, регулятор
5.   меры борьбы (с пылью, заражением), меры защиты (от шума)

control to strict tolerance — контроль [проверка] с соблюдением строгих требований в отношении допусков

- control of access
- control of concrete quality
- controls of lifting appliances
- air control
- air traffic control
- air volume control
- algae control
- automatic cycling control
- automatic drier control
- automatic mix control
- automatic proportioning control
- automatic push-button control
- avalanche control
- budgetary control
- building control
- cabin controls
- cascade control
- centralized control
- close control
- compensated control
- concrete quality control
- concrete temperature control
- constant flow/variable temperature control
- constant temperature/variable flow control
- corrosion control
- cost control
- crack control
- cycling control
- density control
- derivative control
- development control
- dew point control
- differential control
- differential pressure control
- direct humidity control
- discharge control
- distant control
- downstream control
- dust control
- electrical control
- flame failure control
- floating control
- flood control
- floor flatness control
- foot control
- ground control
- hand control
- high-low control
- horizontal control
- humidity control
- hydraulic dust control
- ice control
- integral control
- job cost control
- landslide control
- level control
- local control
- low pressure control
- manual control
- manual cycling control
- manual proportioning control
- mechanical control
- mix control
- mixing control
- modulating control
- moisture control
- noise control
- odor control
- one-man control
- on-off control
- pedal control
- photo control
- photogrammetric control
- planning control
- pneumatic control
- pollution control
- power control
- power-assisted control
- priority control
- process quality control
- process control
- progress control
- proportional control
- pulse control
- push button control
- quality control
- rate action control
- reflective crack control
- remote control
- reset control
- river control
- rodent control
- running control
- sediment control
- self-operated control
- sequence control
- set control
- site control of materials
- slave control
- smoke control
- snow control
- snow and ice control
- sound control
- spring control
- statistical quality control
- step control
- stock control
- supplemental control
- thermostatic control
- traffic control
- traffic merging control
- tunneling control by laser and double target
- two-position control
- two-step control
- unison control
- upstream control
- vibration control
- water control
- workability control
- zone control

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "control" в других словарях:

  • control — con·trol vt con·trolled, con·trol·ling 1: to exercise restraining or directing influence over esp. by law 2: to have power or authority over precedent control s the outcome in this case 3: to have controlling interest in control n …   Law dictionary

  • control — sustantivo masculino 1. Examen o comprobación de personas o cosas cuyo conocimiento interesa: Realicé un control de matemáticas. La directora lleva el control de los alumnos que faltan a clase. 2. Vigilancia: Ese preso está sometido a fuerte… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • CONTROL-M — is batch scheduling software produced by BMC Software, originally written for mainframes but also available for distributed computing platforms including Unix, Windows, Linux and OpenVMS environments. BMC Software claims that CONTROL M is the… …   Wikipedia

  • control — CONTRÓL, controale, s.n. 1. Analiză permanentă sau periodică a unei activităţi, a unei situaţii etc. pentru a urmări mersul ei şi pentru a lua măsuri de îmbunătăţire. ♢ Lucrare de control = lucrare scrisă prin care se verifică periodic… …   Dicționar Român

  • Control — puede referirse: a la tecla Control de los teclados informáticos; al control remoto o mando a distancia, es un dispositivo electrónico usado para realizar una operación remota (o telemando) sobre una máquina; a una muestra testigo; al capítulo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Control — Con*trol , n. [F. contr[^o]le a counter register, contr. fr. contr r[^o]le; contre (L. contra) + r[^o]le roll, catalogue. See {Counter} and {Roll}, and cf. {Counterroll}.] 1. A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • control — ► NOUN 1) the power to influence people s behaviour or the course of events. 2) the restriction of an activity or phenomenon. 3) a means of limiting or regulating something: exchange controls. 4) a device by which a machine is regulated. 5) the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Control — ist der Originaltitel eines Spielfilms von Tim Hunter aus dem Jahr 2004, siehe Control – Du sollst nicht töten der Titel eines Spielfilms von Giuliano Montaldo, siehe Control (1987) der Titel eines Spielfilms von Anton Corbijn, siehe Control… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • control — [kən trōl′] vt. controlled, controlling [ME countrollen < Anglo Fr contreroller < Fr contrerole < ML contrarotulus, a counter, register < L contra, against + rotulus: see ROLL] 1. Obs. to check or verify (payments, accounts, etc.) by… …   English World dictionary

  • control — (Del fr. contrôle). 1. m. Comprobación, inspección, fiscalización, intervención. 2. Dominio, mando, preponderancia. 3. Oficina, despacho, dependencia, etc., donde se controla. 4. puesto de control. 5. Regulación, manual o automática, sobre un… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Control — Con*trol , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Controlled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Controlling}.] [F. contr[^o]ler, fr. contr[^o]le.] [Formerly written {comptrol} and {controul}.] 1. To check by a counter register or duplicate account; to prove by counter statements; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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