contract award

contract award
заключение подрядного договора; предоставление [передача] подряда

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "contract award" в других словарях:

  • award — an agreement having the force of law, which sets out working conditions and wages for certain types of employment. Glossary of Business Terms * * * ▪ I. award a‧ward 1 [əˈwɔːd ǁ ɔːrd] noun [countable] 1. an amount of money that is given to… …   Financial and business terms

  • contract — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 written agreement ADJECTIVE ▪ long term, permanent ▪ guaranteed (esp. AmE) ▪ casual (BrE), fixed term (BrE), short term …   Collocations dictionary

  • contract — I UK [ˈkɒntrækt] / US [ˈkɑnˌtrækt] noun [countable] Word forms contract : singular contract plural contracts *** 1) legal a written legal agreement between two people or businesses that says what each must do for the other or give to the other… …   English dictionary

  • Contract field team — The Contract Field Teams program (also called Contractor Field Teams and commonly abbreviated CFT) is a program of the United States Air Force designed to provide temporary and long term labor support for a variety of technical service needs;… …   Wikipedia

  • award — a|ward1 W1S2 [əˈwo:d US o:rd] n 1.) something such as a prize or money given to someone to reward them for something they have done award for ▪ the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching win/receive an award ▪ Rosie …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Contract awarding — is the method used during a procurement in order to evaluate the proposals (tender offers) taking part and award the relevant contract.[1] [2] Usually at this stage the eligibility of the proposals has been concluded. So it remains to choose the… …   Wikipedia

  • award — 1 vt [Anglo French awarder agarder to look at, decide on, impose, alteration of Old French esguarder to look at, from es , intensive prefix + guarder to guard] 1: to give in accordance with a judicial or administrative determination or decision… …   Law dictionary

  • Contract Net Protocol — (CNP) is a task sharing protocol in multi agent systems, consisting of a collection of nodes or software agents that form the contract net . Each node on the network can, at different times or for different tasks, be a manager or a contractor.… …   Wikipedia

  • Contract Law of Saudi Arabia —    Contract Law of Saudi Arabia Legal System Hanbali School of Sharia Law, Sunni …   Wikipedia

  • contract — I n. 1) to conclude, sign; negotiate; ratify a contract 2) to carry out, execute a contract 3) to draw up, write a contract 4) to assign (after bidding), let; award a contract 5) to abrogate, cancel, repudiate a contract 6) to breach, break,… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Contract — law …   Wikipedia

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