- conductor rail
- токопроводящий [контактный, третий] рельс
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
conductor rail — noun A rail which transmits electricity to an electric train • • • Main Entry: ↑conduct … Useful english dictionary
conductor rail — kontaktinis bėgis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. conductor rail vok. Stromschiene, f rus. контактный рельс, m pranc. rail de contact, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
conductor rail — /kənˈdʌktə reɪl/ (say kuhn duktuh rayl) noun 1. a rail, sometimes made of wear resistant steel, usually laid alongside the running rails as an additional measure to prevent derailment, as at crossings, switches, curves and bridges. 2. British an… …
conductor rail — noun a rail transmitting current to an electric train or other vehicle … English new terms dictionary
Railway electrification in Great Britain - conductor rail systems — Railway electrification in Great Britain Conductor Rail describes the different third and fourth rail systems used and their history.HistoryRailway electrification as a means of traction emerged at the end of the nineteenth century. It offered… … Wikipedia
conductor — n. 1 a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir etc. 2 (fem. conductress) a a person who collects fares in a bus etc. b US an official in charge of a train. 3 Physics a a thing that conducts or transmits heat or electricity,… … Useful english dictionary
rail de contact — kontaktinis bėgis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. conductor rail vok. Stromschiene, f rus. контактный рельс, m pranc. rail de contact, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Raíl — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para la moneda, véase Riel camboyano. Riel moderno[cita requerida]. Se denomina riel, carril o raíl a cada una de las barras met … Wikipedia Español
Rail — or rails may refer to:* Guard rail, for safety or support * Handrail, on a stairway * Rallidae, the group of birds called rails * Rail tracks * The hot rolled steel profiles used on rail tracks or Tramway tracks ** Railway rail ** Vignoles rail… … Wikipedia
Rail transport in Japan — is a major means of passenger transport, especially for mass and high speed travel between major cities and for commuter transport in metropolitan areas.OverviewSix Japan Railways Group (JR) companies, state owned until 1987, provide passenger… … Wikipedia
Conductor (transportation) — This article is about the railroad crew member. For other uses, see Conductor (disambiguation). An Amtrak train conductor A conductor is a member of a railway train s crew that is responsible for operational and safety duties that do not involve… … Wikipedia