- concrete curing water
- вода для поливки свежеуложенного бетона (при выдерживании и уходе)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Concrete — This article is about the construction material. For other uses, see Concrete (disambiguation). Outer view of the Roman Pantheon, still the largest unreinforced solid concrete dome.[1] … Wikipedia
Concrete sealers — are coatings applied to concrete to protect it from corrosion. They either block the pores in the concrete to reduce absorption of water and salts or form an impermeable layer which prevents such materials from passing.[1] Extensive research from … Wikipedia
concrete — concretely, adv. concreteness, n. concretive, adj. concretively, adv. /kon kreet, kong , kon kreet , kong / for 1 10, 11, 14, 15; /kon kreet , kong / for 12, 13, adj., n., v., concreted, concreting. adj. 1. constituting an actual thing or… … Universalium
Concrete saw — A concrete saw being readied for use. The man in the background is preparing the hose to deliver water to cool the saw, whilst the operator is moving the saw to the required position. A substantial engine powers the unit … Wikipedia
Concrete densifier — A concrete densifier is a chemical applied to a concrete surface in order to fill pores, increasing surface density. Chemical densifiers are used on polished and non polished concrete to reduce dusting and wear; on polished concrete surfaces… … Wikipedia
Properties of concrete — Concrete has relatively high compressive strength, but significantly lower tensile strength, and as such is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension (often steel). The elasticity of concrete is relatively constant at low… … Wikipedia
Reinforced concrete — is concrete in which reinforcement bars ( rebars ), reinforcement grids, plates or fibers have been incorporated to strengthen the concrete in tension. It was invented by French gardener Joseph Monier in 1849 and patented in 1867.[1] The term… … Wikipedia
Types of concrete — There are many types of concrete, variations of installation, composition, finish and performance characteristics. A highway paved with concrete … Wikipedia
Mechanical Concrete — A Mechanical Concrete tire derived cylinder A Mecha … Wikipedia
Polished concrete — Black basalt polished concrete floor Polished concrete is concrete that has been treated with a chemical densifier and ground with progressively finer grinding tools. The grinding tools are usually progressive grits of diamond grinding cup wheels … Wikipedia
Prestressed concrete — diagram Prestressed concrete is a method for overcoming concrete s natural weakness in tension. It can be used to produce beams, floors or bridges with a longer span than is practical with ordinary reinforced concrete. Prestressing tendons… … Wikipedia